Welcome to my first attempt at bloggin'. Not quite sure how I feel about labeling myself as a blogger just yet, I probably need to get some vintage black-

If you are reading this that means you are probably curious about how my adventures in Moldova are going. Well they haven't started just yet, but I have begun to learn Romanian and am excited to leave. I will be leaving for Washington DC for the initial training on June 10th and will most likely be headed off two days later. I hope to see as many of you as possible before I take off.
As for my new occupation I will be an Agribusiness and Rural Business Development Advisor. My understanding of what that means is that I will be doing consulting work for farmers, small businesses and co-ops. I believe that "consulting" will consist of a lot of strategic planning, cost-benefit analysis and facilitating the usage of newer technology. What I am doing will probably be changing a lot depending on the needs of the friends I am working with.
For those of you who don't know anything about Moldova, I recommend watching the video Places That Don't Exist: Moldova on youtube. It is very interesting and well worth the 25 minutes of oh-so-precious time you devote to it. Here is the link:

With that I need to get back to learning Romanian.
Noroc! (Cheers)