Monday, August 10, 2009

07.08.09—As Promised…

07.08.09—As Promised… ( I have a very slow interent connection right now, with plenty of pcitures to add, be patient i will add more soon)

Last night went very well. For our last night as trainees, we had a large celebration, in which all of the volunteers did something like a presentation, song, dance, play, speech or mix of the possibilities. I personally, as you all know, did a presentation on composting and had a part in a Russian play called “Terem Teremok.” Everything went very well, although our play didn’t exactly get the standing ovation that we expected. I blame that on the fact that we went after a couple of volunteers sang a beautiful Moldovan song that brought the house down. So we were doomed from the start, regardless of the fact that I had to announce that our play was over. J I laughed.
My friend David and I presented on compost with style. Despite our horrible accents and I think we got a few brownie points for being dressed professionally for our presentation. I’m pretty sure at least one person considered doing compost in their homes after we were done, although they may have forgotten about their enthusiasm shortly thereafter. My fingers are crossed. Besides it was more of a celebration of the time we had spent with our families than a time for lecture.

Here are a couple videos and pictures of the events. Sorry I do not yet have pictures of the play. I clumsy left the camera in my pocket during the event.

After all the theatrics were over with, we went outside to enjoy some wine and snacks. Some of my fellow volunteers contributed some ol’ fashioned chocolate chip cookies and of course a slightly different version of Tiny Weenies. It was funny and nostalgic at the same time, but not necessarily enjoyable.

Of my family my sister was the only one that could make it for this presentation. My host parents we off getting a party ready for my host nephew David, apparently when you are roughly one year old you get to sleep through a big party where your parents name your godparents. So after the Peace Corps I crashed the little tyke’s party. It was awesome.
Moldovan parties have three absolutely essential ingredients: Food, dance, and alcohol. Here are some pictures of the good time.

Walking up the next morning to travel to Taraclia was a little rough, but that was just because I danced the night away on accident. Dancing in a big circle is the typical fashion—it is called the Hora. It is pretty easy to catch on to, even for the most inept. I feel like my moves are appreciated in Moldova, or maybe it’s just the tie. Just like with the presentation the tie commands respect, not so much the moves.

Just when I thought my family couldn’t get any sweeter, they went ahead and bought me some departing gifts. My mother gave a really nice tea cup to go with some excellent tea and honey. My sister bought me a really nice daily planner that I had been planning on buying anyway, but had not told anyone that I needed. Either I come across as confused and in need of structure or she could read my thoughts. I still haven’t figured that one out.

Now I’m off to my swearing in.



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